African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services

AFAAS – Led AIRTEA Project Empowers Digital Connectors for Agricultural Transformation in East Africa.
AFAAS – Led AIRTEA Project Empowers Digital Connectors for Agricultural Transformation in East Africa.
Malawi Government Commits to Boost Extension Financing at AFAAS Regional Policy Dialogue
Malawi Government Commits to Boost Extension Financing at AFAAS Regional Policy Dialogue
Seventh Africawide Agriculture Extension Week 2025 Launched in Malawi
Seventh Africawide Agriculture Extension Week 2025 Launched in Malawi
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The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) was initially formed as the Sub-Saharan African Network on Agricultural Advisory Services (SSANAAS). The SSANAAS was created at the 1st Regional Networking Symposium on Innovations in AAS, held in Kampala, Uganda 11-14 October 2004. The initial member countries were Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda.

A second Symposium was held from 24-27 September 2006 in Kampala. It brought together the additional African countries of Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Zambia; this brought the total of participating member African countries to fourteen.


To promote professionalization and participatory lesson learning, strengthen capacities, enhance visibility and influence, facilitate and enhance effective and continuous knowledge generation and information exchange, and add value to initiatives in agricultural extension and advisory services through advocacy, skilling, sharing of experiences and information, and increased professional interaction.


Agricultural extension and advisory services that effectively and efficiently contribute to sustained productivity, profitability and inclusive growth of agriculture for food, nutrition and income security, job and wealth creation in Africa.


Enhanced utilization of improved knowledge and innovations by agricultural value chain actors for improving productivity oriented towards their individual and national development objectives.


Implement the Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services aspects of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP)- An Africa-Owned and Africa-led initiative through which interventions to transform agriculture are coordinated.