African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services

Terms of Reference and request for proposal for Provision of Medical Insurance Services to AFAAS staff and defendants under Longterm Arrangement



African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) is a Continental body that brings National Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (AEAS) under one umbrella. The AFAAS’ goal is to enhance utilization of improved knowledge, technologies and innovations by agricultural value chain actors for improving productivity oriented towards their individual and national development objectives.  The AFAAS received grant funding from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) funded by the European Union under the EU initiative on the Development of Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture (DeSIRA) which intends to boost the transformation of innovation in agriculture and food systems in partner countries and make them to be more resilient to climate change and better respond to development demands.


In line with the human resources manual section 7.9 AFAAS provides medical insurance cover to contract employees and their defendants i.e. spouse and 3 dependent children less than 21 years of age. Staff are expected to receive medical insurance with a particular service provider approved by management. The Secretariat has currently 10 staff (Full list will be provided) with only one principle member above 70 years but less than 75. The staff number will be subject to change due to staff leaving and staff being hired.


Therefore, AFAAS is soliciting proposals from medical insurance service providers (firm) that have the required experience and resources with a pool of medical professionals, geographically dispersed service centres across  the country to provide medical cover to their employees.




The objective is identify medical insurance service provider (firm) that fulfills the AFAAS requirements and provide Medical Insurance Services to its staff and their dependants.



The service provider is expected to offer the following – in-patient and out-patient – medical services to members of staff and their dependants registered under the policy to an agreed financial limit:

  • Outpatient consultations, diagnostic tests, and treatment with a specialist if consented by individual including but not limited to paediatrician, gynaecologist, dermatologist, physiotherapist, urologist, neurologist and psychiatrist.
  • Access to a private ward, single room, in the hospital most appropriate for the case, including medical, surgical, diagnostic and therapeutic services appropriate to the accident/illness.
  • Treatment of short-term (acute) medical conditions, including in-patient tests, and surgery.
  • Accident and Emergency admission, treatment and care.
  • Laboratory tests, x-rays, ultra-sound, CT and MRI scans, oncology tests and other diagnostic procedures, including testing for HIV/AIDS, Covid if required and consented by the individual;
  • All family planning advice, procedures and commodities, including but not limited to surgical contraception – vasectomy, tubal ligation, norplant implant.
  • Immunisation for new born babies, booster immunisation for older children and vaccination for adults when travelling or if deemed necessary;
  • Maternity care including pre-natal and post-natal care, routine support and advice, tests, consultations and treatment during childbirth, and management of pregnancy related complications including congenital defects or abnormalities and premature births;
  • Diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Provide Health Care Guidance and Talks, if required;
  • Conduct health assessments and clearance for staff, when required to (N.B, No member or dependant will be required to undertake an HIV test before entering employment with the AFAAS or at any other time);
  • Critical illnesses e.g. HIV/AIDS, cancer – provide treatment of opportunistic infections, Antiretroviral therapy and the appropriate monitoring where necessary for any HIV positive member and his/her named dependants; provide counselling for members and immediate family, especially in the case of a confirmed terminal illness, suspected or known HIV infection; provide treatment including chemotherapy and care for cancer;
  • Be able to counsel and provide emergency post exposure prophylaxis in the case of known or suspected exposure to HIV infection or cancer.
  • Provide reasonable Psychiatric services including counselling services, drugs and treatment for members and immediate family in case one develops a psychiatric condition;
  • Wellness cover for general medical checkups, cervical smears, mammograms, prostate cancer and other tests.
  • Non-cosmetic dermatology consultations and treatment
  • Provide rehabilitation and counselling services for any member who suffers permanent loss of one or more limbs or eyes or suffers from total or partial disablement; provide specialist equipment e.g. mobility, hearing aids etc. if deemed necessary;
  • Provide general counselling services to staff and family members;
  • Provide optical services including eye testing, surgery and lenses as prescribed by a qualified ophthalmologist to an agreed financial limit.
  • Offer a wide range of options of medical and para-medical practitioners, clinics and hospitals to members on the scheme.
  • Provide dental services including cleaning, filling, extraction, root canals treatment and replacement of teeth lost through sickness or accident to an agreed financial limit.

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Request for Proposal

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Terms of Reference

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