Dr. Paul Fatch
Republic of Malawi

Ms Gifty Nahr GUIELLA
Vice Chairperson
Republic of Burkina Faso

Prof. Moses Zinnah
Chair, Finance and Adminstration Committee
Republic of Liberia

Dr. Verona Parkinson
Chair Audit Committee
Republic of Mozambique

Prof. Emmanuel Ikani
Chair, Progammes Committee
Republic of Nigeria

Dr. Jeffreyson Mutimba
Finance and Adminstration Committee
Republic of Zimbabwe

Mrs Mary Kamau Wairimu
Finance and Adminstration Committee
Republic of Kenya

Mrs Yenenesh Egu Bezabih
Republic of Ethiopia

Audit Committee
Democratic Republic of Congo

Mr Makala Jeffrey NGAKA
Republic of South Africa

Dr Kakdeu Louis Marie
Republic of Cameroon

Dr. Patience B. Rwamigisa
Audit Committee
Republic of Uganda

Dr. Silim M Nahdy
Executive Director
Republic of Uganda

Guy Faure
Donor Representative
Board Composition
Board consists of 15 members (para. 3 of Constitution):
- Nine representatives from County Fora, based on regions;
. Southern Africa, West Africa and Central Africa, Eastern Africa and, North Africa
. Each region with two representatives except North Africa with one - A representative from Farmer Organization
- A representative from FARA
- Three selected on merit basis or founder members
- At least 30% of the Board members shall be women – (including youth)
- The Board shall have powers to co-opt non-voting members
- The Executive Director is a non-voting member
- The Chairperson is selected from among the CF representatives.
Eligibility for Appointment to the Board
With the exception of merit/founder members (Clause 3.1.5 of the Constitution), appointment to the Board takes into account the following factors:
- The commitment to the Vision, Mission and objectives of AFAAS
- Knowledge and skills required to properly serve AFAAS
- The gender balance as prescribed for the composition of the Board
- Experience in agricultural AEAS or development oriented and/or related activities
- Sectoral and/or geographical representation where necessary or desirable
- Willingness to devote time to activities and/or matters of AFAAS
- Readiness to serve AFAAS faithfully, diligently, devoid of all impartiality and partisan interest.