I am delighted to take leadership of this important institution together with my fellow members of the Board of Directors, who fortunately come from a very solid and rich background of agricultural extension and innovation, and Food Systems more broadly. I am grateful to my predecessors and all the dedicated champions who tremendously set a firm foundation institutionally, with sound systems right from the Secretariat to Country Forums and sub-regional Networks, and also fruitful connections with local and international partners. Just to refresh the memory of our readers, the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) goal is to “Enhanced utilization of relevant and improved knowledge and technologies by agricultural value chain actors to catalyse sustainable and inclusive agricultural development to feed and create prosperity for Africa”. AFAAS has three strategic pillars, including: i) Strengthening and expanding network and knowledge management capacities; ii) Developing capacities for scaling out relevant and efficient technologies and innovations; and iii) Facilitating advancement of Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (AEAS). AFAAS operates at country and sub-regional levels through Country Fora and sub-regional networks respectively www.afaas-africa.org. AFAAS works closely with the Global Forum for Rural Advisory services (GFRAS) and, do collaborate with other continental and regional networks or fora pursuing similar objectives. AFAAS upholds the 2014 Malabo Declaration and the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) and strategically contributes to the realization of the Science Agenda for Agriculture in Africa (S3A).

AFAAS strategy and operational plan provide a clear theory of change both from the Governance and operational perspectives. AFAAS will continue and strengthen its role of championing agricultural innovation and knowledge brokering in Africa, as enshrined in its purpose: “Enhanced sharing of information and increased professional interaction; and, improved knowledge and professionalism of AEAS actors”. This would lead to agricultural extension and advisory services having the adequate combination of skills and capacity to efficiently support agricultural value chain actors in an inclusive and sustainable manner. AFAAS strongly contribute to vibrant AEAS systems with and for: (i) promotion of improved approaches to AEAS delivery, (ii) pro-active and dynamic engagement in Africa’s agricultural transformation agenda, and (iii) shaping AEAS pathways, policy and investments to achieve impact on the ground and at scale.
Glad that, you our readers are keenly following our dashboard and vision. We call upon you to partner with us so that together we transform livelihoods of farmers in Africa.
Our next editions, shall be highlighting our vision in line with AUC, SDGs, promising initiatives and current mega trends in Agricultural extension, Innovation and Food Systems!