African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services

AFAAS Refreshed Strategy 2018 – 2027

      1.1 Background and context
      The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) is the continental African body that brings all agricultural extension and advisory services (AEAS), stakeholders, and state and nonstate actors under one umbrella. It embraces both public and private actors who have a stake
      in AEAS along the agricultural value chain – not just the providers of AEAS. AFAAS developed its first Strategy and Operational Plan (combined in one document referred to as the Strategic Plan) for the period 2011-2017, whose implementation was concluded. This is AFAAS’ second Strategy (hereafter referred to as the new Strategy) developed for the ten-year period from 2018-2027. Its preparation was informed by internal consultations within the AFAAS Secretariat and analysis of the results of a survey that was sent through AFAAS networks and partners.
      There were 107 respondents (24% female) from 28 countries (24 from Africa). The majority of the respondents (81%) were operating at the national level and embraced diverse domains of work that included public and private sector, AEAS providers, agricultural support services, non-government organizations (NGO), national agricultural research, higher education, farmers’ organizations, and civil society.