African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services

Author name: AFAAS Africa

Gainful youth participation in extension and advisory services

Youth present an opportunity toward addressing the extension and advisory services capacity gap. On the one hand, youth should be targeted as clientele of extension; on the other, as providers. Compared to other continents, Africa has the highest youthful population globally, a situation that is not likely to change in the next decades. In Africa […]

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Effective private sector engagement in extension and advisory services

Several countries in Africa have adopted pluralistic extension service delivery. Involvement of private advisory service providers in part addressed the dwindling public extension workers. Nonetheless, pluralism brings issues regarding quality and professionalism of provision. The webinar will focus on showcasing successful private sector led extension services, ascertain the potential for public-private partnerships and initiate policy

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Farming and Agriculture Extension in time of COVID-19 at MaFAAS

There is a saying that a healthy farmer equals a productive farmer. This simply means farming requires energy, and energy is a product of good health. Agriculture Extension should be integrated with health-related messages because the link between agriculture and health cannot be neglected. For instance, a farmer who is at the symptomatic stage of

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L’éducation des Jeunes entrepreneurs et le renforcement des chaines de valeur Agricole par REJIPAQAM/ FOSCAR-Mali

Contexte REJIPAQAM (Réseau des Jeunes Ingénieurs pour la Promotion de l’Assurance Qualité Alimentaire du Mali) est une entreprise qui regroupe comme son nom l’indique des jeunes universitaires ingénieurs dans les différents maillons de la chaine alimentaire. Elle a été créée et enregistrée en 2018 sous la forme Coopérative, est un réseau de jeunes scientifiques maliens

L’éducation des Jeunes entrepreneurs et le renforcement des chaines de valeur Agricole par REJIPAQAM/ FOSCAR-Mali Read More »

Introduction of YAM Minisett Technique to Farmers at upper Bosomtwi community in the Eastern region of Ghana

The Ghana Forum for Agricultural Advisory Support and Services (GFAASS) which is a network of persons operating in the agricultural sector in Ghana, comprising members of Extensionist, Farmers, Researchers, NGOs, and other actors along the agricultural value with the aim learning and sharing extension innovations, providing strategic inputs into the country’s extension policy and providing

Introduction of YAM Minisett Technique to Farmers at upper Bosomtwi community in the Eastern region of Ghana Read More »

Vertical Bag Gardening for Healthy Diets in the Wake of COVID-19 Pandemic

Advances in technology are key to the future of agriculture as farmers strive to feed the world with limited natural resources. Kenya has in the recent past faced recurrent food security and nutrition challenges resulting to rocketing food prices, high input prices, prolonged and severe drought and high inflation rate. The impact of COVID-19 on

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CAMFAAS dissémine des innovations en matière d’Agriculture Climato-intelligente

Dans un contexte de changement climatique ou la régularité de l’alternance entre la saison pluvieuse et la saison sèche est fortement perturbée, les agriculteurs s’interrogent sur les stratégies de résilience durables à adopter. Par ailleurs, la production agricole étant tributaire d’intrants comme les semences, les engrais et les produits de traitement phytosanitaires, l’optimisation des rendements

CAMFAAS dissémine des innovations en matière d’Agriculture Climato-intelligente Read More »

Digital disruption opportunities in invigorating extension and advisory services​

There is growing evidence on how digital disruptions could transform agriculture service provision including extension. Digitally-enabled advisory services could significantly change its delivery in Africa, facilitating extensive and timely information delivery. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, digital platforms have taken a critical role in facilitating information, goods and service delivery. It is thus

Digital disruption opportunities in invigorating extension and advisory services​ Read More »

How the Nigerian Forum For Agricultural Advisory Service is Adjusting to the New Normal

NIFAAS Seizes Opportunities in ICTs to Build Capacity of Members Nigeria has not been spared from the general economic meltdown and social lockdown imposed by the global pandemic of Covid-19. As at 31st July 2020, the country has recorded 43,151 confirmed cases of the virus, with 879 deaths. Consequently, all schools and government institutions are

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How CEDAR initiative wants to contribute to SDG1 and SDG2 by promoting autonomy in remote areas of Madagascar.

After a journey of about 30 kilometers on bumpy roads to a Rural Community called Mahitsy, we discovered one of the four CEDAR sites that the Ecovillage Network in Madagascar, one of the CSA lead organisations in the Forum for Advisory Service in Madagascar, is supporting with Aqua Alimenta Switzerland. CEDAR stands for “Centre d’Entrainement

How CEDAR initiative wants to contribute to SDG1 and SDG2 by promoting autonomy in remote areas of Madagascar. Read More »