African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services



Nairobi Kenya: The Training of Trainers integrating the Tropical Agricultural Platform Framework (TAP) into African Research and Extension Organizations was held on 23rd March to 25th March 2022 at Hilton Hotel Nairobi Kenya. The training was organized by FAO’s Research and Extension Unit, together with CAADP XP4 organizations (The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services …


Gender integration in AFAAS policy in the framework of CAADP

A recent desk study assesses the aim for, and extent of, gender integration in policy documents of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), the Framework for African Agricultural Productivity (FAAP) and the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS). It proposes recommendations to strengthen gender integration in AFAAS documents to enhance the attainment of …

Gender integration in AFAAS policy in the framework of CAADP Read More »

AFAAS Organizes the 5th Africa Wide Agricultural Extension Week held at Speke Resort Munyonyo, Kampala Uganda

Download the declaration here Declaration in English Déclaration en Français Arabic / إعلان The 5th Africa Wide Agricultural Extension week 2021 is a continental event that brings together different participants from across Africa and globally to deliberate on strategic issues in agricultural extension and advisory services (AEAS) in Africa. This year, the 5th AAEW 2021 …

AFAAS Organizes the 5th Africa Wide Agricultural Extension Week held at Speke Resort Munyonyo, Kampala Uganda Read More »

AFAAS and Farm Radio International (FRI) Collaborate to Digitalize Agricultural Extension Advisory Services

Speke Resort Munyonyo: The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) together with Farm Radio International (FRI) have actualized their partnership by signing a memorandum of understanding. The main objective of the MOU is  to provide a framework for continued collaboration between the parties to improve the quality of life of millions of farming households …

AFAAS and Farm Radio International (FRI) Collaborate to Digitalize Agricultural Extension Advisory Services Read More »

Double benefits for youth and private actor participation in scaling up successful extension approaches and scale up: Opportunities and challenges

Different extension approaches have been developed and tested.  Among these approaches include farmer field schools (FFS) and Smallholder Horticulture Empowerment and Production (SHEP) approach. Their success is largely pegged on among other factors, such as how they have assimilated youth and private actors as agents and participants or beneficiaries. Their integration is critical in scaling …

Double benefits for youth and private actor participation in scaling up successful extension approaches and scale up: Opportunities and challenges Read More »

Gainful youth participation in extension and advisory services

Youth present an opportunity toward addressing the extension and advisory services capacity gap. On the one hand, youth should be targeted as clientele of extension; on the other, as providers. Compared to other continents, Africa has the highest youthful population globally, a situation that is not likely to change in the next decades. In Africa …

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Effective private sector engagement in extension and advisory services

Several countries in Africa have adopted pluralistic extension service delivery. Involvement of private advisory service providers in part addressed the dwindling public extension workers. Nonetheless, pluralism brings issues regarding quality and professionalism of provision. The webinar will focus on showcasing successful private sector led extension services, ascertain the potential for public-private partnerships and initiate policy …

Effective private sector engagement in extension and advisory services Read More »

AFAAS and Partners join efforts for the future of Agricultural Advisory Services in Africa

What is the future for Agricultural Advisory Services in Africa? This was the main question during the joint regional workshop organised in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire by the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS), Feed the Future Developing Local Extension Capacity (DLEC) Project, the Network for Agricultural and Rural Advisory Services (RESCAR-AOC) and African Forum for …

AFAAS and Partners join efforts for the future of Agricultural Advisory Services in Africa Read More »

Le réseau GFRAS cherche des stratégies pour atteindre les agriculteurs

Le Forum Mondial pour les Services de Conseil rural (GFRAS) a organisé, en collaboration avec le Forum Africain pour les Services de Conseil Agricoles (AFAAS), un atelier international consultatif pour examiner, compléter et valider un projet conjoint sur le thème «Fournir des services de vulgarisation aux agriculteurs : améliorer l’accès des petits exploitants à l’innovation et à …

Le réseau GFRAS cherche des stratégies pour atteindre les agriculteurs Read More »

Uganda launched its guidelines and standards in agricultural extension and advisory services

The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries launched on Thursday 21st September, 2017 the Guidelines, Standards, Code of Ethics and Process for Registration and Accreditation of Extension Service Providers in Uganda. The event took place at Protea Hotel in Kampala and was graced by the State Minister for Animal Industry, Hon. Joy Kabatsi. The …

Uganda launched its guidelines and standards in agricultural extension and advisory services Read More »

Agricultural extension speaks the language of farmer

Ltoponua Leldimain is a young farmer in Samburu County in Kenya who heard an agricultural progamme on Serian FM and wasted no time calling up the presenter Nicholus Lenyakopiro.  Nicholus in turn referred him to Agriculture Extension Officer, Mary Lemaletian to answer specific questions about his bean farm.  The rest, as the saying goes, is …

Agricultural extension speaks the language of farmer Read More »