GFRAS-YPARD Competition “Coping with COVID-19: Stories from the Field”
This story won the 1st Place in the General Category in Cameroon
By Louiza Tita
The outbreak of the Nouvel Corona virus pandemic has left so many sectors lamenting, the agricultural sector inclusive. In many parts of the globe, it has become almost impossible

for farmers to run their usual activities due to the fear of contamination and the measures put in place by states governments to curb the spread of the virus. Both agribusinesses and small holder farmers alike are feeling the effects of this pandemic though at different levels. The greatest fear is the challenge of food shortage which may become another cause of deaths if not properly handled.
The agricultural sector in Cameroon and in the North West in particular has witnessed difficulties for the past three (3) years due to the socio-political instability in the region. Despite these challenges, small holder farmers have been able to ensure food sufficiency all these years. But with the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been a drastic fall in activities in the agricultural sector as a result of fear of contamination and measures put in place by the state to help curb the virus. Read full story by clicking below.
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