On the 13th to 15th December 2023, the CAADP XP4 Consortium had a DSpace scoping implementation workshop at ILRI, Nairobi Kenya. The main product from the meeting was an outline for an ‘Africa Agri-Knowledge explorer and repository ecosystem’ that could serve the shared goals of the partners and advance the wider science, innovation and transformation agenda of the continent.
The joint KM Working group of the Africa Agricultural Research and Innovation Institutions (AARII) i.e. FARA, AFAAS, ASARECA, CCARDESA, CORAF, NAASRO as well as RuFORUM and AATF and the CGIAR represented by ILRI, IITA and the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT agree to collaborate to implement a shared, value-adding project to expose and highlight and communicate Africa’s rich agriculture and food system knowledge.
This will be achieved through a shared knowledge ecosystem that facilitated inter-operability, based around a DSpace repository that drives and powers diverse organizational knowledge hubs as well as a joint continental knowledge explorer that gives access to the knowledge resources of the partners and potentially others.