The CF in Madagascar called “Forum du Conseil Agricole”, which was launched and constitution signed on 8th July 2014. It has General Assembly, Steering Committee/Board : Conseil d’Orientation, and Secretariat: Bureau de facilitation at FTA. “Bureau de facilitation” hosted by the Farming & Technology for Africa represented by Administration and activity coordination: Andrianjafy Rasoanindrainy (FTA ED), Finance: Zo Lovasoa Rakotondramanitra (FTA Financial officer), and Occasional consultants hired for activities. The forum has a three year Plan : 2014 to 2017, which has five components: Capacity strengthening, Collaboration and partnerships, Innovation and usage of new technology (ICT), Contribution and advocacy for CAADP & adequate policy, and Governance, finance and management.
The forum does many activities that can share and showcase in the area of: ICT4Dev, Small scale farming improvement, CSA, agro ecology and natural resource management
The immediate activities/priorities
- Organize strategic workshop on KM
- Organize ICT4Ag training
- Training on the new extensionist
- Organize policy dialogue and develop extension strategy
Contact persons: Elias Randrianarisoa (Ministry of Agriculture) +261 3204 46319 / + 261 3315 83001 / +261 3405 61056 and CF focal person Andrianjafy Rasoanindrainy (Farming & Technology for Africa); +261 3311 32510 / +261 3406 88345