African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services

Le changement climatique est ici avec nous; KeFAAS dans le but d’encourager les agriculteurs!

Un phénomène sans précédent lié au changement climatique a été les eaux des fermes submergées du lac Baringo. Les petits agriculteurs horticoles autour du lac Baringo comptent les pertes après que leurs fermes ont été submergées par l’eau qui épelle une catastrophe pour le comté de Baringo déjà en insécurité alimentaire. L’agriculture étant une fonction […]

Le changement climatique est ici avec nous; KeFAAS dans le but d’encourager les agriculteurs! Read More »

When FCA Madagascar organizes exchange visits on the theme of CSA

In the framework of the CAADP XP4 project, funded by the European Union through IFAD, FCA Madagascar organized a day of exchange visits around the theme of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA). In total, 16 participants (representatives of ministries, partner organizations and FCA Madagascar staff) were able to exchange, strengthen their understanding and network, and above

When FCA Madagascar organizes exchange visits on the theme of CSA Read More »

The Role of Pluralistic Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services in Enhancing Agricultural Productivity in Ethiopia

Introduction A growing variety of public and private rural extension advisory services are available in different countries today which leads to Pluralistic Agricultural Extension Services, where advisory services are provided by different actors and funded from different sources. This is generally regarded as an important step forward, away from reliance on monolithic, mostly state-led Agricultural

The Role of Pluralistic Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services in Enhancing Agricultural Productivity in Ethiopia Read More »

Uganda National Stakeholders’ s dialogue on Climate Smart Agriculture triggers partnerships

Above: A section of participants during a group discussion On December 3rd 2020, The Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (UFAAS) in collaboration with African Forum for Agricultural services (AFAAS) held the Uganda National Stakeholders dialogue on Climate Smart Agriculture. The event took place at hotel Africana in Kampala, and online. The purpose of the

Uganda National Stakeholders’ s dialogue on Climate Smart Agriculture triggers partnerships Read More »

Resources and reflections from Uganda’s first Virtual Agricultural Extension Symposium

How can agricultural extension and advisory services (AEAS) be positioned for resilient agriculture and food systems?  This was the discussion at Uganda’s third Agricultural extension Symposium.  The event which brought together a community of researchers, practitioners and policymakers from Uganda and beyond took place on 10-20th July 2020, at a time when most countries were

Resources and reflections from Uganda’s first Virtual Agricultural Extension Symposium Read More »

Ressources et réflexions du premier Symposium virtuel de vulgarisation agricole en Ouganda

Comment les services de vulgarisation et de conseil agricoles (SVCA) peuvent-ils être positionnés pour une agriculture et des systèmes alimentaires résilients ? Telle était la discussion lors du troisième Symposium de vulgarisation agricole de l’Ouganda. L’événement qui a rassemblé une communauté de chercheurs, de praticiens et de décideur politiques d’Ouganda et d’ailleurs, s’est déroulé du 10

Ressources et réflexions du premier Symposium virtuel de vulgarisation agricole en Ouganda Read More »

36 years of experience in agriculture extension and advisory services (AEAS)

This is the  story of Mrs Mary Kamau who has 36 years experience in AEAS and who has gone throught very diverse experiences being Director of Extension and Training in Kenya and Chair of AFAAS. Today, she is still active as Board Member of GFRAS, AFAAS, KEFAAS, Access Agriculture and as an Agri-Consultant and Farmer.

36 years of experience in agriculture extension and advisory services (AEAS) Read More »