‘We cannot attain our goal of the “Africa we want” and the agenda 2063, if agriculture extension is still looked at as last option support to Africa’s agriculture development initiatives.’ This was the key statement made by Honourable Sam Dalisto Kawale Malawi Agriculture Minister as he officiated the Launch of the Seventh Africawide Agriculture Extension week to be held in Malawi in April 2025.
“it is no longer a study but a fact that Agriculture remains a potent tool to fight unemployment, hunger and poverty. And for Africa to attain its set goals and drive our people out of hunger, we cannot overlook the role of extension anymore. It is time that Africa wakes up to know where the real change of the continent’s agriculture starts. Malawi will lead in agriculture extension transition in the region and on the continent. “Said Minister Kawale
The launch held at crossroads hotel in Lilongwe unveiled one of the biggest Africa convening of agriculture minds, brining together researchers, farmers and agriculture extension actors to discuss key issues that transform Africa’s food system.
According to Dr. Silim Mohammed Nahdy, the seventh extension week will run under a soon to be unveiled theme that aims to deliver the huge potential of extension delivery as a key driver towards ensuring food security and agriculture development. He said that the Seventh continental convening focused on addressing emerging continental problems and forging avenues for transition, scaling and delivery of quality extension that can support the farmers.
“Our resolve is to develop the africawide agricultural sector towards the attainment of the objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) especially those of zero hunger and to improve agriculture and rural productivity and this cannot be attained without working together as extension and with national governments. “adds Dr. Silim
Speaking at the Launch, the AFAAS Board Chairperson Dr. Paul Fatch, welcomed members and thanked the Malawi government for committing to host this event, saying this was going to be a milestone event for extension transformation as it opens new opportunities.
Dr. Fatch informed Africa that the value for Agriculture extension has been raised over the last few years, extension actors are now a demand driven profession which factor Africa extension workers can leverage on to demand for better environment to exercise their duties.
Dr. Mary Kamau, former director Extension at ministry of agriculture in Kenya and current board member at AFAAS said Extension plays a critical role in bringing relevant and improved technologies developed by National Agricultural Research Institutions (NARIs), inputs suppliers and marketers to farmers. Saying it was very important to ensure partnership between all key players.
“I wish to inform you that since the inception of AFAAS, there has been a growing trend on value of extension in Africa, all we need to do is to ask national governments to enable better policy environment for extension to work, but most importantly increase financing of extension across all value chains.” Says Dr. Kamau.
The Minister also launched the country organizing committee for the upcoming event, this will headed by the permanent ministry of agriculture supported by the chairperson of MAFAAS and other key partners in the Malawi agriculture sector.
African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) is a continental platform for mutual learning and innovation among agricultural extension and advisory services providers across Africa. The AFAAS goal is to enhance utilization of improved knowledge and innovations for improving productivity owned towards individual and national developmental objectives. AFAAS operates multi-stakeholder country for a that embrace public and private actors in the national agricultural innovation systems.